토플 (TOEFL)

10/23의 토플공부

빈빈박사 2024. 10. 27. 17:44

Today, I had only one schedule, secondhand goods dealing. I was a buyer position. And what I bought was 'cigaratte after sex LP'!! Honestly I'm not a fan of them, but while searcing some lps on Carrot Market which is a Korean secondhands goods application. I just found that it had been selling for 15000원. After a few days it became 10000원. So I decided to buy it! I thought it was so reasonable price and dealing considering the price of new one.ㅎㅎ 
Ah, and I got new things to do suddenly. That was going to the hospital. eh? Do u want to say 'why?'? Don't worry. It was not about me but my friend T.H. She got  pneumothorax, which the lung have a hole and air or water is collected. So I visit in hospital.

She gave some listening way using Podcast that I’ve first heard. Oh I will use it acticely. Her recommendation was daily easy eng lesson PODCAST.

Today's movie was <Bohemian Rhapsody>. First of all casting was perfect. (Hit the spot:딱이다 라는 데 여기다가 써도 되나?) The actors was so resembled to real characters. It seems that captures that era, that day. (Although I haven't lived that time). How they film it? Especially that the stadium concert scence. I would like to try to binge-listen to the Queen's songs. 
Here's the words I got. 

Nuisnance: 성가신[귀찮은] 사람[것/일], 골칫거리
Off-key: 음정이 안 맞는
Formula: 공식
Prick: 찌르다
Stomp: 쿵쿵거리며 걷다, 발을 구르며 춤추다
anthems: 애국가
Piss off: 꺼져
prostitute: 매춘부, 창녀
Hideous: 흉측한, 흉물스러운, 끔찍한 (=revolting)
Flagellate: (특히 종교상의 벌, 또는 성적 쾌감을 위해) 채찍질을 하다
fuss: 호들갑, 야단, 법석
Cremate: 화장하다 🔥


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